When to consume pre workout or post workout ?
Can it be combined with creatine ?
Which one is best flavour ?
What is the meaning of 2:1:1 ?
Nutritional Information

Myth 1: BCAAs can replace a meal.
Truth: BCAAs do not contain enough nutrients to replace a meal. BCAAs are helpful for initiating muscle protein synthesis, they do not provide micronutrients & macronutrients that a meal would provide.
Myth 2: BCAA supplements are meant only for bodybuilders.
Truth: BCAAs can be beneficial for anyone who engaged in regular strenuous exercise, individuals with physically demanding jobs as they help delay fatigue and improve endurance in everyday activities.
Myth 3: BCAA supplements can help with weight loss.
Truth: There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that BCAAs can help with weight loss. While they can promote appetite and food intake to enhance muscle growth and preserve lean body mass.
List of Ingredients
Branched Chain Amino Acids (Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine), Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Acidity Regulator (INS 330), Sweetener (INS 955).
Customer Reviews
Customer photos & videos
Arbind kumar Verified
Good performance prime bcaa.
Radhakrishnan gopalVerified
Nice have to improve more.
Sandip gurjar
Best bcaa powder for faster muscle recovery. Ingredients are very much effective and best in quality to be used. Go for it.
If you need BCAA to improve your strength & stamina during workout then you need this for sure. Prime BCAA is one of the indian brand bcaa powder which is way more better then any imported u have tried.
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Know All About GXN Prime BCAA
GXN Prime BCAA is Best Intra/Post Workout Supplement has various benefits. This is critical for development and repair of muscle tissues and prevents breakdown of muscles. Branched-chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are a group of three essential amino acids: Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. BCAA Supplements are mostly taken to boost muscle growth and enhance exercise performance. It also helps with weight loss and reduces fatigue after exercise.
GXN Prime BCAA each serving delivers L-Leucine (2500mg), L-Valine (1250mg), L-Isoleucine (1250mg). It helps in building new muscle tissues and prevents muscle breakdown. BCAAs help to boost the building of protein in muscles that reduces muscle breakdown & supports formation of new muscle tissue.
GXN Prime BCAA Contain fermented BCAAs (L-Isoleucine, Valine, L-Leucine) in scientifically documented ratio of (2:1:1) that are metabolized directly in to the working muscles.BCAAs reduces fatigue, provide endurance & strength to the working muscles.
What Makes GXN BCAA Powder an Essential Supplement?
BCAAs are essential amino acids, because they are not synthesized by the body, they constitute more than one-third of the protein found in human muscle tissues. BCAA Powder is unique because, unlike most other amino acids, it is primarily metabolized within the muscles itself, instead broken down by the liver. GXN BCAA is formulated with electrolytes that provide much needed hydration during workouts.
Benefits of using Prime BCAA Powder:
1. Prime BCAA 2:1:1 stimulates muscle protein synthesis and induces an insulin response that transports amino acid into cells to repair muscle damage and build new muscle tissues.
2. Prime BCAA 2:1:1 is available in delicious flavors such as Watermelon, Citrus Blast, Mix Fruit and Strawberry Lemon. 3. This supplement is primarily used to reduce fatigue, increase endurance, reduce muscle damage and to increase lean muscles mass.
People who can use: BCAAs can be consumed by both males & females, young to old and in-certainty any individual who wishes to enhance his/her health and performance. It is preferred by bodybuilders, swimmers, athletes and by those who are involved in some kind of physical/sports activity. Direction: Mix 1 scoop (6.5g) of prime BCAA 2:1:1 in 200-220ml of chilled water as per desired taste. Caution: Diabetic or Person with medical condition should only use this product upon the advice of a qualified licensed physician or dietician.